Detroit Lock & Door | Cheap Locksmith Near Me

Call Us Anytime, Day or Night!!!

Call Us Anytime, Day or Night!!!

House Lockout

Get Back Into Your House In No Time!


Car Lockout

Car Key Replacement

Lock Repair

Lock Rekey

House Lockout

Lock Replacement

Ignition Repair

Mailbox Lock Replacement

Dealing with a situation where you’re locked out of your home can be really stressful and inconvenient. Here, at Detroit Lock & Door we totally understand how urgent and frustrating it can be, especially when it happens on weekends or holidays. That’s why our team of trained locksmiths is available, round the clock, 24/7 to provide efficient solutions. We genuinely care about minimizing your waiting time and guaranteeing a resolution to your lockout problem. You can confidently rely on our expertise to handle the situation delicately and ensure an outcome.


Are you experiencing difficulty accessing your home? Do you require expert help?

Our team of locksmiths is well equipped to handle lockout situations. By contacting us we can send a our certified technicians to any area, within Detroit, MI and its neighboring regions.


Fast response Time !

Experience our swift and efficient service! In a mere 30 minutes from your call, a our well-equipped technician will reach your location to provide with you a lockout service that exceeds your expectations. Regardless of whether you’re locked out, have a broken key or lost it altogether, our priority is to get you back into your home promptly.



Don’t wait longer – get in touch with us immediately! We’re available to help you with any situation where you find yourself locked out. Our team of customer service agents will be happy to respond to your inquiries and offer the assistance you require.


In order to show our gratitude back to the community we’re part of, we provide discounts to emergency personnel, seniors and veterans in our community. We strongly believe in giving back to those individuals who have made contributions to our community.